Specialists in Heating of Older Toronto Homes
We specialize in providing solutions for older homes and have extensive experience handling their complexities and needs. We know it takes more than a few measurements to build a custom heating solution that’s capable of withstanding these challenges.
Furnace Replacement and Installation
If your furnace is 14 years or older, and vents through the chimney, then it’s time for a replacement. Modern furnaces are typically gas powered, energy efficient and require venting through the side, back, or front wall of the home.
Ready for your Next Heating or Cooling Project?
Our professional technicians and staff are ready to help!
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"Belyea really has great customer service and professionalism. Every employee I've interacted with has provided excellent, professional, courteous, and kind communication, both onsite and offsite. Thank you for a company that really makes a huge effort, and delivers on excellent customer service, professionalism, consideration of rugs and floors, and having great service personnel."